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The first association board to take control from a developer may have additional obligations to determine whether defects are present and to address them before applicable deadlines pass. Early identification of defects and early presentation of warranty claims are the best way to ensure that the defects are remedied at the lowest cost to the owners and association.
District of Columbia and Maryland condominium associations and homeowners may have implied, contractual and statutory warranties against construction defects. Consumer protection laws may also protect purchasers against defects not disclosed at the time of sale. Coverage may continue for a period of one, two, five, ten and, sometimes twenty years from purchase.
Different legal claims apply depending on the nature of the defect, the location of the property and the time since purchase.If your new home has defects of any kind, contact the builder promptly. If your condominium has defects in common areas, report them to the condominium association promptly. If you are a condominium association, you have a legal obligation to address defects in common areas that may cause further damage.

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