Create Tour Southern Invitational

Calling all content creators!! We are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Create Tour Southern Invitational this October 4-6th in Tri-Cities, TN. This 3 day event will feature a different style of play each day. Friday, October 4th will be a Blind Draw Scramble at the beautiful Graysburg Hills Golf Course. Saturday, October 5th will be the TennCup (Ryder Cup style) event at Crocket Ridge Golf Club. Sunday, October 6th we will hold the Create Tour’s Player’s Championship with flighted individual stroke play at Cattails at Meadowview. This is an event you don’t want to miss. Visit the link to purchase your tickets today.

In the cup golf questions

Feel free to reach out on this messaging board with any questions you might have for In the cup golf, we love to help. Group boards are available for all types of golf events, tournaments,fundraisers, leagues, the listing members have complete control of there posts from location and time to leading golfers to a hyperlink to a website or lynk to a tournament sign up page enjoy.

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100% free to list any golf event leagues fundraisers amateur events anything golf related can be placed on group section for free.